Outreach Initiative of the Year

This category looks to recognise teams, divisions or companies that have gone the extra mile to inspire people to consider a career in construction. Whether it is promoting science, technology, engineering and maths in schools and colleges, or mentoring work placements and new joiners or working with youth organisations or other underrepresented communities, this organisation deserves recognition for encouraging more people to consider careers in construction.

Children's book: Sammi On Site

CECA NextGen have identified a "gap" in the market where construction is viewed as "unattractive" as a career with a lack of understanding of what the industry does. Therefore, they have developed a story book aimed at children aged 5-8 with the hopes of inspiring young people into a career in STEM and the construction industry. The book highlights Sammi (a gender neutral digger) and a variety of job roles on a construction site, with a diverse range of characters of different genders and ethnicity.

GMI Construction Group
Construction Cares

The Construction Care Programme is a completely unique offer focussing on all of the groups furthest away from the job market that is completely tailored to their needs and is not being done by anyone else to this degree. A lot of our offers are not being replicated by anyone else in this space. As above, this has got the attention of the former Government as we were invited to a Ministerial Board Meeting with the Rt. Hon. Michael Gove MP, the Rt. Hon, Gillian Keegan

Beacon programme

Graham’s Beacon Programme supports SEND pupils prepare for the world of work. By providing site-based work placements, students see firsthand that work can be positive and rewarding, and that career possibilities exist for them within construction. Due to this pilot’s success (100% of students who applied to the Beacon Programme successfully completed their work placements) and positive feedback received, Graham will now roll-out the programme in other regions and projects. This outreach initiative allows Graham to help bridge the gap between SEND pupils and employment opportunities. It shines a light to improve these children’s career pathways.

Heidelberg Materials
Reading program with Chapter One

Heidelberg Materials UK is proud to be shortlisted for our collaborative efforts with Chapter One. Our collaboration harnesses the collective strength of our employees and supply chain partners to deliver meaningful social value and foster a culture of learning within local communities. Highlights of the partnership are:

• 694 reading sessions and 300 hours of one-on-one reading support

• Program extended to five UK regions, directly benefiting 61 children

• Notable improvements in children's reading proficiency and confidence

• 89% of reading sessions rated good

• We will continue as a Gold Partner for the 2024-25 school year

People development programme

The lasting impact on our local authority membership is profound. We've transformed the public service workforce and significantly raised national public safety standards. Together with our members, we’ve channelled our passion and commitment to public service through finding and placing the right talent within local authorities, individuals with the right public service ethos and ethics, skills, knowledge and experience to make the right public safety decisions. That said, our vision extends beyond accolades – it's about attracting and developing individuals who will in turn create a safe, sustainable, and inclusive environment for us all.

OCL Facades
Girls can Build programme

The Girls can Build Programme is a brilliant new initiative inspired by the women at OCL. The programme is designed to ‘PLANT THE SEED’ and give KS2 primary girls a chance to learn about the world of construction and the exciting roles that girls can consider to. With an aging workforce and male dominated workforce, it's never been a critical time to engage with primary school girls. Our programme not only educates primary girls from the ages of 7-11, it inspires them to consider a role in construction, through our engaging content and upbeat delivery aimed for this audience.

On The Tools
Skills shortage campaign

On The Tools' "Closing the Gap" campaign has revolutionised outreach in the UK construction industry. Through comprehensive resources, innovative media strategies, and a commitment to diversity, we have inspired a new generation to consider careers in construction. Our significant impact is demonstrated by extensive engagement metrics, positive feedback from apprentices and industry leaders, and a lasting change in public perceptions.