
The Construction News Workforce Awards has a rigorous judging process to decide our winners. Each category has its own independent panel of judges, made up of major clients, contractors and industry figures, who review entries to determine the shortlist and then convene in a roundtable discussion, to select the winners for that category.  

Each stage is designed to provide a fair and transparent process. Please note, you will be judged on your written entry alone, so make sure you include as much supporting evidence as possible and make it clear in your entry why you should win.

Stage 1: Online Judging – once the entry phase closes, the judges will review online and score each submission to determine the shortlist.

Stage 2: Roundtable discussion – once the shortlist is announced, all finalists will be reviewed again by our judging panel to select the winner. This will take place from 23-25 September 2024. Please see below a reminder of key dates.

Entry deadline
Stage 1: Online judging
Shortlist announcement
Construction News Workforce Awards Ceremony


Judges are selected from major contractors and industry figures who contribute valuable time and effort to work through hundreds of entries, reviewing each against strict criteria and attributing scores aimed at rewarding and recognising the very best of the construction industry.