Why enter

By entering the CN Workforce Awards , you will be part of a national awards recognising the very best initiatives to improve diversity, inclusion, nurture the workforce and make the construction industry a great place to work.

By entering you can enjoy multiple benefits:

  • Showcase your achievements and innovations to the wider industry and position your organisation as a great place to work
  • Get your entries in front of our esteemed panel of judges for independent recognition
  • Gain extensive coverage across the magazine and social media before, during and after the event
  • Celebrate success across your business and project teams, reward outstanding work and boost team morale
  • Gain a competitive edge when it comes to attracting and retaining workforce in your organisation

Eligibility for entry into all categories will cover the period from January 2023 to June 2024.

Make sure you are part of the 2024 event by entering today and ensuring you have a chance of being crowned the best in the business.

Final entry deadline closes 29 July 2024, so complete your entry today!

Please note that judging for the shortlist will be based on written submissions so be sure to include supporting evidence.


Learning and development 

This category is open to all types of companies working in the construction industry who can demonstrate innovation in an apprenticeship scheme between January 2023 and June 2024.

Entrants should provide compelling evidence of a company-wide ethos or collaboration with partners and the supply chain to attract young or mid-career people and support them into long-term careers in construction through apprenticeships.

Judges will be looking for evidence of the commitment to apprentices, how companies have supported them through the pandemic and innovative ways companies have reached out to encourage the uptake of apprenticeships.

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Judges will particularly be looking for evidence of:

  • How you set your apprenticeship offer apart as an employer
  • A company culture that encourages on the job learning to enable apprentices to secure long-term employment
  • Innovative ways companies are reached out and engaging with potential apprentices
  • One or more initiatives launched or considered a success over the 12 months prior to June 2024

To support your entry, please feel free to provide testimonials or high-resolution photos or images.

This category is open to UK-based apprentices working in the construction industry who have demonstrated outstanding promise in their chosen field and can demonstrate achievements between January 2023 and June 2024.

Entrants must have been working in construction for no more than three years at the start of that period (i.e. their apprenticeship must have begun no earlier than January 2021).

Entries can be submitted by the apprentice or by their employer, but in either case the entry must include an endorsement from a manager or director within their organisation.

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Judges will particularly be looking for evidence of:

  • Dedication to their chosen trade or profession
  • Determination in overcoming obstacles
  • Teamworking aptitude and value to their employer
  • Self-development or community involvement
  • Performance or achievements that surpass expectations
  • Any other stand-out performance that particularly merits this award

This category is open to all types of companies working in the construction industry who can demonstrate excellence in learning and development opportunities between January 2023 and June 2024.

This category aims to recognise in-house learning and development teams (not training agencies) that deliver excellent opportunities for staff development and can demonstrate how this has supported the wider business.

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The judges will be looking for evidence of:

  • How the L&D initiative aligns with business goals
  • How the L&D initiative fits into the wider HR strategy
  • Outcomes of the initiative
  • Innovation in the design and or delivery of L&D
  • Any other stand-out performance that particularly merits this award

This category is open to all types of companies working in the construction industry who can demonstrate success in a graduate recruitment programme between January 2023 and June 2024.

Entrants should highlight why graduate recruitment has been more successful in your firm and evidence initiatives that have improved the graduate experience with demonstrable success.

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Judges will particularly be looking for evidence of:

  • How your strategy attracted the most suitable graduates
  • Success against the goals set and initiatives launched by the company over the 12 months prior to the June 2024
  • Profile of the work being carried out by graduates within your business or involvement in wider industry initiatives or projects
  • Any other stand-out performance that particularly merits this award

To support your entry, please feel free to provide any testimonials

This category is open to UK-based graduates working in the construction industry who have demonstrated outstanding promise and can demonstrate achievements between January 2023 and June 2024.

This award aims to recognise a graduate working in the construction industry who has made a tangible difference to their business. It could be someone who has led a particular initiative during that time, or whose work has helped deliver a step-change to the business and its employees.

The winner will need to show initiative, demonstrable benefits to the business and evidence of the longer-term difference their actions have made. Entrants must have been working in construction for no more than three years at the start of that period (i.e. their graduation or graduate programme must have begun no earlier than January 2021).

Entries can be submitted by the graduate or by their employer, but in either case the entry must include an endorsement from a manager or director within their organisation.

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Judges will particularly be looking for evidence of:

  • Initiative and innovation
  • Outstanding examples of initiatives or work led by the nominee
  • Evidence of long-term impact of nominee’s actions and approach
  • Determination in overcoming obstacles
  • Any other stand-out performance that particularly merits this award

This category is open to all types of companies working in the construction industry who can demonstrate excellence from an individual who has supported women in the industry between January 2023 and June 2024.

The winner will need to show initiative, evidence of encouraging women into the industry and the support and development of women into senior leadership roles.

Entries can be submitted by the individuals or by their employer or mentee, but in either case the entry must include an endorsement from another manager or director within their organisation.

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Judges will particularly be looking for evidence of:

  • Outstanding examples of mentoring
  • Evidence of impact in the short to long term for women in the industry
  • Originality in their approach to championing women in the business
  • Any other stand-out performance that particularly merits this award

This category is open to all types of companies working in the construction industry who can demonstrate excellence from an individual who has supported staff in a mentor role between January 2023 and June 2024.

This award is to recognise an individual who has inspired and helped develop staff within their organisation. The winner will need to show initiative, evidence of their impact as a role model and how this has supported business goals.

Entries can be submitted by the individuals or by their employer or line report, but in either case the entry must include an endorsement from another manager or director within their organisation.

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Judges will particularly be looking for evidence of:

  • Outstanding examples of inspiring staff in the industry
  • Evidence of the impact they have had on developing staff
  • Originality in their approach to mentorship
  • Any other stand-out performance that particularly merits this award


This category is open to all types of companies working in the construction industry who can demonstrate success in equality, diversity and inclusion initiatives between January 2023 and June 2024.

Equality, diversity and inclusion brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the construction industry. This award aims to recognise industry-leading performance and showcase organisations who are going the extra mile to recruit from a diverse background and improve diversity in their leadership teams.

The entry should demonstrate the business’s attempts to foster a more diverse and inclusive workplace for all employees and describe how this is helping to attract and retain talent. Your initiative may be at head office and/or project delivery level, and might also be as part of a partnership, framework or joint venture. These should highlight how supply chain collaboration and integration in diversity result in a better outcome for all parties.

The entry should have one lead organisation but may also provide details of other relevant companies involved.

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Judges will be looking for evidence of some, if not all, of the following:

  • Leadership that filters down to all levels, with positive role models within the business
  • Why your diversity and inclusion policies make you an employer of choice in the construction industry
  • The ways the scheme contributes to employee engagement
  • The ways the scheme is helping to attract and retain talent
  • Any other stand-out performance that particularly merits this award

This category is open to all types of companies working in the construction industry and their EDI leaders who can demonstrate success between January 2023 and June 2024.

This award aims to recognise an individual who strives to foster a more equal, diverse and inclusive workplace for all employees through equal workplace opportunities and inclusive leadership.

Entries can be submitted by the individuals or by their employer, but in either case the entry must include an endorsement from another manager or director within their organisation.

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Judges will particularly be looking for evidence of:

  • How has the individual personally made a difference in their company?
  • Outstanding examples of initiatives or work led by the nominee
  • Evidence of long-term impact of nominee’s actions and initiatives
  • Performance or achievements that surpass expectations

This category is open to all types of companies working in the construction industry that can demonstrate success in innovative workplace initiatives that support the retention and engagement of staff between January 2023 and June 2024.

This award aims to recognise industry-leading performance and showcase organisations who are going the extra mile to motivate, engage and retain staff in their organisations.

Your initiative may be at head office and/or project delivery level, and might also be as part of a partnership, framework or joint venture.

The entry should have one lead organisation but may also provide details of other relevant companies involved.

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Judges will be looking for evidence of some, if not all, of the following:

  • Leadership that demonstrates a commitment to fostering innovative workplace culture
  • Evidence of initiatives that actively involve employees in decision making
  • Adaptability to industry trends including flexible working and practices to accommodate diverse employee needs
  • The ways the scheme contributes to employee engagement and is helping to retain talent
  • Any other stand-out performance that particularly merits this award

This category is open to all types of companies working in the construction industry who can demonstrate innovation in health and safety between January 2023 and June 2024.

This award aims to recognise a company or organisation that strives to improve their employees’ health and safety.

Please note: Any wellbeing or mental health initiatives should be submitted in the new Mental Health & Wellbeing categories.

Judges will want to see how the initiative made a positive workplace environment for employees, and how its success was measured.  It does not have to be a new initiative, but the outcomes should be specific to the 12 months prior to June 2024.

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Judges will particularly be looking for evidence of:

  • Leadership that embedded this initiative for health and safety in workplace culture
  • Measures taken to improve safety with evidence or testimonials from employees
  • Innovation in the initiatives to raise awareness and support better health and safety
  • Any other stand-out performance that particularly merits this award

This category is open to all types of companies working in the construction industry and their health and safety leaders who can demonstrate success between January 2023 and June 2024.

This award is to recognise an individual working in the construction industry who strives to recognise and improve their fellow colleagues and supply chain partners’ health and safety.

Entries can be submitted by the individuals or by their employer, but in either case the entry must include an endorsement from another manager or director within their organisation.

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Judges will particularly be looking for evidence of:

  • How has the individual personally made a difference in their company?
  • Outstanding examples of initiatives or work led by the nominee
  • Evidence of long-term impact of nominee’s actions and initiatives
  • Performance or achievements that surpass expectations

This category is open to all types of companies working in the construction industry that can demonstrate innovation in mental health support and wellbeing between January 2023 and June 2024.

This award aims to recognise a company or organisation that strives to improve their employees’ physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

Please note: Any health and safety focused initiatives should be submitted in the Health & Safety categories.

Judges will want to see how the initiative made a positive workplace environment for employees, and how its success was measured.  It does not have to be a new initiative, but the outcomes should be specific to the 12 months prior to June 2024.

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Judges will particularly be looking for evidence of:

  • Leadership that embedded this initiative for mental wellbeing in workplace culture
  • Measures taken to improve support and testimonials from employees
  • Innovation in the initiatives to raise awareness and support better mental health and wellbeing in the workplace
  • Any other stand-out performance that particularly merits this award

This category is open to all types of companies working in the construction industry and their mental health and wellbeing leaders that can demonstrate success between January 2023 and June 2024.

This award is to recognise an individual working in the construction industry who strives to recognise and improve their fellow colleagues and supply chain partners’ physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

Entries can be submitted by the individuals or by their employer, but in either case the entry must include an endorsement from another manager or director within their organisation.

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Judges will particularly be looking for evidence of:

  • How has the individual personally made a difference in their company?
  • Outstanding examples of initiatives or work led by the nominee
  • Evidence of long-term impact of nominee’s actions and initiatives
  • Performance or achievements that surpass expectations

Team initiatives 

This category looks to recognise teams, divisions or companies that have gone the extra mile to inspire people to consider a career in construction. Whether it is promoting science, technology, engineering and maths in schools and colleges, or mentoring work placements and new joiners or working with youth organisations or other underrepresented communities, this organisation deserves recognition for encouraging more people to consider careers in construction.

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Judges will be looking for:

  • Ethos and drivers behind outreach work
  • Description of outreach work itself
  • Feedback from recipients and metrics on its effectiveness
  • Any other stand-out performance that particularly merits this award

This category is open to all types of companies working in the construction industry who can demonstrate excellent culture within their teams on projects between January 2023 and June 2024.

Entrants should be able to demonstrate excellent on-site or project team collaboration, leadership and recognition of the talented people who help to deliver the UK’s built environment.

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The judges will particularly be looking for evidence of:

  • Teams who have been crucial to a project’s success
  • How innovation and collaboration was fostered within the teams
  • Evidence of learning from projects being applied elsewhere in the business
  • Close working with and support for the entire supply chain
  • Any other stand-out performance that particularly merits this award

This category is open to all types of companies working in the construction industry that can demonstrate innovation in recruitment campaigns and initiatives between January 2023 and June 2024.

This award aims to recognise a company or organisation that strives to improve recruitment activities. Judges will want to see how the initiative improved recruitment, and how its success was measured.  It does not have to be a new initiative, but the outcomes should be specific to the 12 months prior to June 2024.

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Judges will particularly be looking for evidence of:

  • Leadership that embedded this initiative in workplace culture
  • Measures taken to improve recruitment processes and testimonials from employees
  • Any other stand-out performance that particularly merits this award

This category is open to all types of companies working in the construction industry who can demonstrate success in social value initiatives between January 2023 and June 2024.

This award will recognise the company that is taking the lead in delivering positive impacts for the communities and stakeholders they work with. The winning entry will have an outstanding commitment to transparency, fairness, integrity and will show how it has measured and been accountable for its social impact, helping communities recover from economic inequality and contributing to environmental responsibility and equal opportunities.

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Judges will particularly be looking for evidence of:

  • Evidence of long-term commitment to a cause, or causes, that are helping to improve the company’s impact on the environment around it
  • How your staff are contributing to CSR initiatives
  • Evidence of collaboration with other organisations, be they clients, contractors or businesses from other industries
  • Any other stand-out performance that particularly merits this award

This category is open to all types of companies working in the construction industry who can demonstrate excellence among a team focused on environmental and decarbonisation initiatives in construction between January 2023 and June 2024.

This category seeks to recognise a team that has made a real impact on achieving sustainability and carbon reduction business goals within the business or on projects.

Entrants should be able to demonstrate the impact the team are having on the business, how they are driving the decarbonisation and improved environmental outcomes of construction and how they integrate with the wider business and projects to drive performance.

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The judges will particularly be looking for evidence of:

  • Why the team are critical to the business and their impact on achieving net zero
  • How low carbon and sustainability is championed across the business and in projects
  • Collaborative working with the wider business and teams
  • Any other stand-out performance that particularly merits this award

This category is open to all types of companies working in the construction industry who can demonstrate excellence among a digital or technology team between January 2023 and June 2024.

This category seeks to recognise a team who could be in charge of data management, using BIM or any part of the digitalisation of construction that has made a real impact on achieving business goals and delivering projects.

Entrants should be able to demonstrate the impact the team are having on the business, how they are driving digitisation or the use of technology and how they integrate with the wider business and projects to drive performance.

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The judges will particularly be looking for evidence of:

  • Why the team are critical to the business and their impact
  • How innovation and new technology is promoted and utilised
  • Collaborative working with the wider business and teams
  • Any other stand-out performance that particularly merits this award

This category is open to all types of companies working in the construction industry who can demonstrate excellence from a HR or workforce team responsible for the recruitment, retention, development and support of staff between January 2023 and June 2024.

Entrants should be able to demonstrate significant improvements in the recruitment, retention, training and development opportunities to help address skills gaps in their organisation.

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The judges will particularly be looking for evidence of:

  • Teams who have been crucial to a successful workforce strategy
  • Originality of recruitment and retention strategies
  • Impact of the team’s initiatives evidenced by meaningful data, case studies and employee survey feedback
  • Evidence of entrants championing their work across their organisation and more widely
  • Any other stand-out performance that particularly merits this award

Business excellence 

This category is open to contractors working in the construction industry and recognise those who have committed to providing an outstanding working environment for staff between January 2023 and June 2024.  

Entrants will be expected to demonstrate a commitment to understanding and improving their staff satisfaction, through surveys or engagement. The best company to work for could include those with unwavering commitment to providing training opportunities for staff, attention to worker’s health and wellbeing, providing relaxed and inspirational working environments and the opportunity for staff to progress in their careers.

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Judges will particularly be looking for evidence of:

  • Measures taken to support employee health, mental health and wellbeing
  • A demonstrable effort to understand staff concerns
  • Actions taken to improve working environments based on employee feedback
  • Improvements to office environments
  • Any other stand-out performance that particularly merits this award

This category is open to all types of subcontractor and specialists working in the construction industry. Recognising those who have committed to providing an outstanding working environment for staff between January 2023 and June 2024. 

Entrants will be expected to demonstrate a commitment to understanding and improving their staff satisfaction, through surveys or engagement. The best company to work for could include those with unwavering commitment to providing training opportunities for staff, attention to worker’s health and wellbeing, providing relaxed and inspirational working environments and the opportunity for staff to progress in their careers.

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Judges will particularly be looking for evidence of:

  • Measures taken to support employee health, mental health and wellbeing
  • A demonstrable effort to understand staff concerns
  • Actions taken to improve working environments based on employee feedback
  • Improvements to office environments
  • Any other stand-out performance that particularly merits this award


Hopefully you'll find an answer to your question below. If not, Please contact Jodie Partington on 020 3953 2015 or email Jodie.Partington@emap.com and they will be able to help you with your entry.

To view the criteria, create your account, or login with your email and password used to create your account if you have already done so. Select ‘Enter Now’ against the category you wish to view where the criteria will be displayed. If you wish to start your entry at this point any information you add will be autosaved and you can login to complete the rest of the entry at any time.

Enter the email address and password that you used when you first started your entry on the log in page, you will then be taken through to your dashboard and will be able to continue your entry.

You can enter another category by selecting the category you wish to enter from the ‘Categories’ section.

Please contact Jodie Partington on 020 3953 2015 or email Jodie.Partington@emap.com   and they will be able to help you with your entry.

The CN Workforce Awards is a fantastic event recognising the achievements and successes of our industry. A great way to celebrate people and business who are making a real difference to the construction sector

Leigh Williams head of marketing & communications Troup Bywaters + Anders